Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Less Than 1 Day!!

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow is the big day!!! The cells arrived today and are being tested to make sure that it's perfect for Charlie. There is no set time for the transplant, so we will be anxiously waiting for a phone call. Charlie is doing good. He has so many mixed emotions, but is so happy that he is getting his transplant tomorrow. I don't have much to write today, but will have a lot to write about tomorrow. I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween. Little Charlie had so much fun being superman and loved trick or treating yesterday. I will post some pictures when I get a chance. Please pray for Charlie and that his body accepts the new cells. Charlie's new birthday will be tomorrow! We love you all and thank you for the continuos prayers and support!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Countdown

Hi Everyone!

Charlie is three days away from getting his transplant! We are so excited. Charlie finished his last dose of chemo yesterday and will never have to get it again. Wohoo! Right now he is beat, but much better than yesterday. He still doesn't have an appetite, but ate some skittles earlier. We are now waiting for the Eagles game to come on. Go Eagles! Charlie got some strength and walked around today. Every time he leaves the room he has to wear a blue mask and stay on the 6th floor. There is a nice sky lobby where he can hang out if he wants to. This hospital is so much nicer! Charlie is hanging in there and seems to be getting a little better every day. He is definitely a trooper!! He got to see little Charlie today from the window, which was a nice treat. He can't wait to hold him again. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers! I'll update more when I can. Hope you all have a safe Halloween! Boo! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The First Week

                                  Hi Everyone! Here is a new pic of Charlie :) He looks great!!
 Charlie began his hospital stay on Monday and started his radiation treatment as well. I got to see him for the first time yesterday at the hospital. I had to wash my hands along with wearing gloves and a mask while I was in the room. The mask is so hot to wear, but we will get use to it. I was so happy to see Charlie. I saw him on Monday but it felt like I hadn't seen him in weeks. He is hanging in there and is trying to adjust to the new enviroment along with his new treatment. His room is very nice and much better than what he is use to. Charlie has been going to radiation three times a day and is a lot more tough than he anticipated. He stands the whole time during the radiation process and lasts for about 15 min each time.  He has been feeling sick from the radiation, but was feeling much better yesterday. Please pray for Charlie and for comfort during this time. I hope to see Charlie more this week. We are about an hour away from him. Its unfortunate that during the next thirty days that Charlie will not be able to see Little Charlie. We will skype as much as possible, but it just isn't the same. We love the encouragement that comes our way and especaily love the prayers from you all! Have a great Thursdsay and I will update later!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Hi Everyone!!

  Wow. It's been such a long time since I wrote. I have lots of news! I am not sure if anyone reads the blog anymore, but I will write anyways. We arrived to California on the 12th and have been here for a week. We are finally here for Charlies bone marrow transplant. YAY!! We stayed at his grandma dory's house for a week in Lake Forest and I am now up here in Camarillo at my grandmas house. We will be switching back and forth between the two grandmas houses' during our stay here. Charlie had his first appointment at the City of Hope on the 19th. He got to meet with his new doctor and got to meet some of his transplant team. The COH is amazing! It is such a nice facility and the staff is so nice! Theres a huge difference from Kaiser Moanalua and this facility. Charlie will be in good hands. We are so pleased with everything so far. Charlie got his PICC line in this week and is getting ready for his radiation treatment on Monday. I am so excited for this to happen, but also feel scared and nervous. I know everything will go smoothly and that he is going to be surrounded by a great medical team. Please keep Charlie in your prayers and pray for comfort during this time. I will keep writing as much as possible these next couple of months. Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 109

Hi Everyone,

       Its' been a while since my last post, so I wanted to give an update about what has been going on. So much has happened that I don't know where to begin. I'll start with a little about what I have been up to. I quit my job last week and am now a "stay at home mommy". Its a big adjustment from working,  but I love it. This past week I got hit with a double whammy of sickness. I got a cold and a stomach bug that little Charlie had. I give all the mothers out there that watch their children while being sick so much credit! Im feeling much better, but still not 100 percent. I am feeling down because I haven't been able to see Charlie for almost a week now. I miss him! He will be coming home on Friday and I should be all better by then. Thats whats been going on with me, so why don't I move right along with how Charlie is doing.
          Charlie has been having a difficult time this round. This is by far the hardest round and most draining of them all. He has been the most sick during this round, and got the same rash as the 2nd round of chemo. He also developed an infection in his PICC line and had to be put on a 14 day antibiotic. Having that infection set him back a little, but not too bad. Right now the plan is for him to go to the City of Hope in October to have his bone marrow transplant. There is no specific date set yet, but there is a time frame that we are looking at. We believe that it will be in the next three to four weeks. Charlie still has to go under several testes to be cleared for this procedure. We have all been looking forward to day to come, but at the same time we are all very anxious and nervous. Charlie is seriously fighting for his life. Char is such a strong person and seriously amazes me with his strength. Please pray for Charlie and our family during this time. We pray that all our travel arrangements will fall into place, and that our hearts and minds will be eased with comfort during this anxious period. We are looking forward for Charlies recovery and for the next chapter in this crazy journey to start. We really appreciate all the love, support, and prayers that you have all given us these past months. I will try and write again soon! Have a great Monday :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 92

Hi Everyone!

I'm back to writing the blog. Charlie was home for a nice two week stay and is now back in the hospital. He was admitted today for one last round of chemo here. We were sad that he had to come back, but are so happy knowing he is getting a transplant right after. There is no date set yet, but the doctors will be having a conference with the city og hope doctors on Monday. We will know a lot more then. Charlie is doing good. He just celebrated his 31st birthday yesterday. It was a nice night and he loved all of his gifts. Charlie is expected to go to Californis very soon. He will be getting all of his tests fore clearance while he is here this round. We truly thank you all for the prayers and encouragement. God is good and we are so thankful that he got a match. I will definitely write more these next weeks and promise to keep you all updated. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 84

Today is the day!!! Great news!!! Charlie has a bone marrow match. We are soooo thrilled and happy that they found him a match. We think things will be moving quickly and will be in California soon. I want to Thank you all for the prayers and love during these past three months. We couldn't do it without you guys. The fundraising money is going to help us out so much! I will write more this week, but wanted to announce the great news! :) Charlie has a doctors appointment tomorrow and will know more about future plans after that. We love you all!!